Naming Magic

Naming Magic

Use AI to name your company and find a domain.

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Naming Magic is a tool that uses AI to help you name your company and find an available domain. It was created by Swift Ventures, a venture capital firm that invests in AI and data-first businesses. The tool is designed to help entrepreneurs and business owners come up with creative and memorable names for their companies. It can also help you find a domain name that is available and relevant to your business.

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  • Can help you come up with a unique and memorable name for your company
  • Can help you find a domain name that is available and relevant to your business
  • Can save you time and effort in the naming process
  • Can help you avoid making common naming mistakes
  • Is free to use


  • May not be able to generate names that are relevant to all businesses
  • May not be able to find available domain names for all names
  • May not be able to generate names that are creative enough for some users

Frequently Asked Questions

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