Summarize Anything, Forget Nothing
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Recall is a web-based application that allows users to summarize and save any online content. It uses artificial intelligence to automatically categorize and connect saved content, making it easy to find and rediscover later. Recall also offers a variety of features to help users learn and retain information, such as spaced repetition and data export. It is available as a browser extension and mobile app.
For Tasks:
For Jobs:
- Summarizes any online content
- Automatically categorizes and connects saved content
- Offers spaced repetition learning
- Allows users to export their notes to markdown
- Is available as a browser extension and mobile app
- Saves users time by summarizing key points of online content
- Helps users organize and find their saved content easily
- Boosts productivity by providing easy access to key details
- Enhances learning and retention through spaced repetition
- Protects user data with strong security measures
- May not be suitable for users who need to summarize very long or complex content
- May not be able to summarize all types of online content accurately
- Requires an internet connection to use the full range of features
Frequently Asked Questions
Q:What types of online content can Recall summarize?
A:Recall can summarize podcasts, YouTube videos, news articles, PDFs, recipes, and more. -
Q:How does Recall automatically categorize and connect saved content?
A:Recall uses artificial intelligence to analyze the content of saved items and identify common themes and relationships. It then uses this information to automatically categorize and connect the items, making it easy for users to find and rediscover related content. -
Q:What is spaced repetition learning?
A:Spaced repetition learning is a technique that involves reviewing information at spaced intervals. This helps to improve memory and retention. Recall uses spaced repetition to help users learn and retain the information they save. -
Q:Is Recall secure?
A:Yes, Recall is built using best practices and with a strong commitment to security and data protection. User data is stored locally on their device and backed up on servers hosted using Google Cloud in the EU. Recall also complies with all applicable data protection regulations. -
Q:How much does Recall cost?
A:Recall is free to use.
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