Preserve what's human.

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GPTZero is a leading AI detector designed to identify text generated by large language models like ChatGPT, GPT-4, Bard, LLaMa, and others. It utilizes advanced technology to analyze writing patterns and determine the likelihood of AI involvement. GPTZero provides detailed insights into the writing process, highlighting sections potentially written by AI. With its user-friendly interface and various integrations, GPTZero empowers educators, students, writers, recruiters, and cybersecurity professionals to navigate the world of AI-generated content with confidence.

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  • Promotes transparency and authenticity in writing
  • Assists educators in identifying AI-generated text in student work
  • Helps students improve their writing skills and avoid plagiarism
  • Empowers writers to maintain their unique voice and style
  • Provides recruiters with a tool to ensure human-written applications


  • May not be 100% accurate in all cases
  • Requires an internet connection to operate
  • Can be time-consuming to analyze large amounts of text

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