

Automated API Discovery & Security

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Escape is an API security platform that helps organizations discover, secure, and monitor their APIs. It offers a range of features, including API discovery and inventory, API security testing, compliance management, contextual risk assessment, and custom security rules. Escape is designed to be developer-friendly, with tailored remediation guidance and actionable code snippets to help developers fix vulnerabilities quickly.

Escape's unique approach to API security is based on its proprietary feedback-driven API exploration algorithm. This algorithm allows Escape to achieve deep coverage for all API types, including at the business logic level. Escape also integrates with popular CI/CD systems like Github Actions and Gitlab CIs, enabling organizations to shift security left and catch and fix security issues before they reach production.

Escape is trusted by over 1600 security teams worldwide, including those at leading organizations such as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. It has been recognized for its innovation and effectiveness by industry analysts and publications, including Gartner, Forrester, and CSO Online.

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  • Provides a complete view of all exposed APIs, including Shadow APIs and Zombie APIs
  • Detects OWASP Top 10 and complex logic flaws like sensitive data leaks
  • Empowers developers to adopt security by design with native CI/CD integration and actionable remediation code snippets
  • Helps organizations ensure compliance with industry standards like OWASP API Security Top 10, HIPAA, GDPR, and PCI DSS
  • Reduces risk, improves efficiency, and enables an open API security community through bi-directional sharing of security findings


  • May require additional resources to implement and maintain
  • May not be suitable for all organizations, particularly those with limited resources
  • May not be able to detect all potential API security vulnerabilities

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