Accurate and Free AI Detector and Chat GPT Detector
ContentDetector.AI is a free and accurate AI Detector and AI Content Detector that can be used to detect any AI-generated content. It provides a probability score based on the likelihood that the text content was generated by AI tools or chatbots. Thousands of users love our app, and since its launch, more than a million bloggers and academics have used our tool to identify AI-generated text. Contentdetector.AI can accurately detect Chat GPT-generated content with an accuracy of up to 85%. This ChatGPT Checker can detect both GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 generated content. It is a free Chat GPT Detector and ChatGPT plagiarism checker without any limitations whatsoever.
For Tasks:
For Jobs:
- Detect AI-generated content with high accuracy
- Provide a probability score for the likelihood of AI-generated content
- Detect ChatGPT-generated content with up to 85% accuracy
- Detect both GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 generated content
- Unlimited checks and no character limit restrictions
- Easy to use
- Free to use
- Accurate and reliable
- Can be used to check any type of text content
- Can be used to check for plagiarism
- Not 100% accurate
- Can be time-consuming to check large amounts of text
- May not be able to detect all types of AI-generated content
Frequently Asked Questions
Q:How to detect ChatGPT content?
A:You can just copy and paste the Chat GPT generated content into the text box on the home page of ContentDetector.AI and click on the analyze button. This ChatGPT detector will provide a probability score in a few seconds. -
Q:Can ContentDetector.AI detect GPT 3.5, and GPT 4 content?
A:ChatGPT works on GPT 3.5 and GPT 4. Even if GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 are the next versions of generative AI technology, ContentDetector.AI detects the ChatGPT-generated content with reasonable accuracy. -
Q:Can ContentDetector.AI detect plagiarism?
A:ContentDetector.AI can check chatbot responses for plagiarism by comparing them to its vast training datasets. It provides an estimated percentage score for the likelihood of copied content, helping ChatGPT users to avoid intellectual property issues. However, as of now, it cannot detect traditional plagiarism, we will soon be adding general plagiarism as well.
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