

Meet CisionOne: The all-new, AI-powered PR platform that works hard, so you can work smart.

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Cision is an end-to-end communications and media intelligence platform that provides a suite of tools and services to help public relations and communications professionals understand, influence, and amplify their stories. Cision's platform includes PR Newswire, CisionOne, and Cision Insights, which offer a range of capabilities such as PR distribution, media monitoring, media analytics, and influencer outreach. Cision's solutions are used by a wide range of organizations, including Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and non-profit organizations.

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  • Helps PR and communications professionals understand, influence, and amplify their stories
  • Provides a suite of tools and services to streamline PR and communications workflows
  • Offers a global reach with distribution to over 200,000 newsrooms and 8,000+ websites
  • Provides access to a database of over 850,000 journalists, outlets, and opportunities
  • Offers actionable insights to help PR and communications professionals make data-driven decisions


  • Can be expensive for small businesses and startups
  • Some users have reported that the platform can be complex and difficult to use
  • May not be suitable for all types of PR and communications campaigns

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